We are committed to training the next generation of scientists

We train postdoctoral scientists, PhD students, post-baccalaureate research assistants, and undergraduate students for their next career stage. The career ladder is not always straightforward and not everyone has equal access to information about next steps. We have compiled resources to help junior scientists—but especially those at the earliest stages—navigate the process here.


We are committed to making affective science more diverse, equitable and inclusive

Representation matters. When junior scientists see more people like themselves in a STEM field, they are more likely to feel like they belong in that field and persist. This is particularly important for the retention of individuals from backgrounds that are traditionally underrepresented in STEM fields such as women and Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). To help diversify citations, syllabi, and the representation of scientists in affective science, we have created a list of affective scientists who identify as BIPOC. You can add a scholar to the list here or see the list of scholars here.